Leo Season
Estimated Time: 40 minutes, 11 seconds
Journal Estimated Time: One Month
“Some women fear the fire.
Some women simply become it.”
Season Tools
Secrets of the Golden Flower - Meditation & Ritual
Bay leaf Ritual to Sol/Apollo for Prosperity or Banishing
How to make Moon Water
Smudging, Saging & Purification
Tarot Spread: What qualities did I come here to master?
Seasons’ Theme
New Moon: Leo (Ruled by Sol)
Full Moon: Aquarius (Co-Ruled by Saturn and Uranus)
Planet: Sol / The Sun
Day of the Week: Sunday
Archetype: The King / The Queen
Element: Fire
Tarot: The Strength Card (Leo), Sun card (Sol)
Body: Heart & Spine
Affirmation: I Will. I am strong
Magick Number: 6
Color: Yellow (or White)
Incense: Frankincense, Red Sandalwood
Minerals: Cats eye, Garnet, Gold, Peridot, Rainbow Quartz, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Tigers Eye,
Plants: Bay, Frankincense, Angelica, Galangal, Ginger, Marigold, Juniper, Mistletoe, Oak, Orange, Pine, St. Johns’ Wort, Sunflower, Walnut
Animals: Bee, Falcon, Hawk, Lion, Leopard, Pelican, Phoenix, Puma, Tiger, Swan
Symbols: Lion, Sun
Offerings: Golden liquors, honey, sunflowers, lighting a yellow (or white) candle
Magick Number: 3
Color: Black, Grey
Incense: Pepperwort
Minerals: Brown Jasper, Gold, Lead, Magnetite (Lodestone), Onyx, Pyrites, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz
Plants: Cypress, Myrrh, Yew
Animals: Crow, Donkey, Goat, Crocodile, Cow, Raven
Symbols: Wheat, Goat, Clocks / Time
Offerings: Unsweetened coffee, dark rum, cigarettes or tobacco
Theme/Focus: Light is Love. Self-Confidence, Creativity, Heart-Chakra, Building inner strength, childlike curiosity and connection to Spirit.The Sun either assists us in the playful nature of being Seen, on the stage of life. Or, in it’s shadow - we create melodrama, by our delusions of self (narcissistic & selfish behavior).
Shadow of Leo: Egotistical, Narcissism, Dramatic, Controlling. Self-centeredness. Inability to stand outside one's own perspective in order to see things/oneself objectively.
Leo encourages us to become the king or queen of our kingdom.
Welcome to Leo season. After an emotionally intense Cancer season, where we were gifted the opportunity to heal karmic patterns connected to mother, family and home — Leo season asks that we take this emotional experience and use it as fuel to stoke our fire; and spiritual Light. Leo's energy commands the center of attention and asks that we uncover the child inside of us. This season, we will be asked to be creative, and see life through innocent eyes.
Leo Season is a time when we celebrate life. Have you been feeling more confident, passionate, and outgoing lately? These are all traits of Leo. Sol, the sun, is Leos’ planetary ruler. And it is during Leo season that we possess the capacity to cultivate and channel Light. Leo teaches self-confidence, creativity, and the connection to the spiritual. During Leo season, we embrace a return to generosity, playfulness, self-love, passion, and romanticism. We are reminded to connect to our hearts, create, play, laugh and remember who we are at our core. If healing is necessary, we can leverage the Leo/Aquarius polar axis (during the Aquarius Full Moon), to align your mind with your heart and spirit. It is time to channel Aquarius higher mental capacities, and adopt the unemotional and objective view necessary to heal past emotional wounds, and logically discover healing solutions.
Leo season is a time when we discover, or re-descover, that our Light is Love. Over these last four months, we have learned to integrate (either actively or passively) and embody the four elements (fire, earth, air and water). During Aries season (fire), we became aware. During Taurus season (earth), we become aware of our physical body. In Gemini season (air) we become aware of our mind. Then finally, in Cancer season, we became aware of our emotional body; integrating the fourth element, and spirit of water. Now, after recognizing and integrating all four elements, we learn to embody the lessons of Leo season. The 5th sign on the cosmic wheel, and the 5th element.
When these four elements (fire, earth, air and water) are integrated and embodied, is when they make up the 5th element of Spirit (Aether or Quintessency - which literally translates as "the fifth element" in Latin).
Like the moon herself, Cancer season asked that we reflect, go inwards, and take a look at ourselves. Now, as we enter Leo season - ruled by the Sun - we are being asked to take the lessons we learned from going within, and shine our light outwards.
Just as the Sun is the planetary ruler of Leo, and the Universal the source of life. Leo rules the heart (which has four rooms, which make up the whole). Just as we embodied the four elements that make up this 5th element of Spirit.
As above. So Below. As above, the sun (Leos’ ruling planet) is the center and source of universal Light. This Light connects every living energy on this planet. As below, our hearts (Leo rules the heart), is the center of our own physical being and source of own spiritual light. It is by embracing all that Leo has to teach us, we learn that Light (Sol/Spirit) is Love (Heart).
“Leo brings welcomed warmth and inspiration to our lives. Leo is a heart-centered leader, With the Sun as it’s ruler, Leo ignites a fire. Leo likes to be in the spotlight and to shine his creative and passionate fire. He reminds us that creativity is an inherent part of our being, which deserves time and space to be expressed. By fully embodying the essence of your heart, and opening to Leo’s LIGHT gives others permission to do the same.”
Leo Season Light & Shadow
Un-evolved Leo energy can be egotistical, narcissistic, dramatic, controlling, self-centeredness. Leo in his shadow does not have the ability to stand outside of one's own perspective in order to see things/oneself objectively. Be mindful of lingering in the energies of Leo’s Shadow. The Sun either assists us in the playful nature of being Seen, on the stage of life. Or, in it’s shadow - without a connection to Spirit - un-evolved Leo energy can create melodrama, by our delusions of self (narcissistic & selfish behavior). At the high end, evolved Leo energy is the 5th element (Spirit); we learn that Light (Sol/Spirit) is Love (Heart).
Light / Strength: Light is Love. Self-Confidence, Creativity, Heart-Chakra, Building inner strength, childlike curiosity and connection to Spirit.
Shadow / Weakness: Egotistical, Narcissism, Dramatic, Controlling. Self-centeredness. Inability to stand outside one's own perspective in order to see things/oneself objectively.
Leo Sun & Aquarius Full Moon
“If we can stay with the tension of opposites long enough — sustain it, be true to it — we can sometimes become vessels within which the divine opposites come together and give birth to a new reality.”
― Marie-Louise von Franz
Each Zodiac Season highlights polarities. Not only are we learning the lessons of the season, but we are also gifted an opportunity to achieve an energetic balance between these two polarities. We will explore the polarity between Leo/Aquarius and Sol/Uranus (Aquarius is ruled by two planets: Uranus is the planetary ruler of the day, while Saturn is depicted as the planetary ruler of Aquarius in the evening).
The polarity of the Leo/Aquarius is the axis of individual/community, authority/freedom, the individual/the collective, the king/leader vs. community, performer vs. audience, power vs. individulism, self vs. duty, heart vs. mind.Leo rules the heart and the spine - the center of our own physical being and source of own spiritual Light.
It is by embracing all that Leo has to teach us, we learn that Light (Sol/Spirit) is Love (Heart).Aquarius rules the nervous system - sending messages from the brain (air) to different parts of the body. The Leo/Aquarius axis is a time to align your mind with your heart and spirit. It is time to channel Aquarius higher mental capacities, and adopt the unemotional and objective collective view to see past the emotional wounds, to discover healing solutions. Both Leo and Aquarius want to shine a light on humanity, celebrate our differences (Aquarius), and share Light/Love (Leo).
Leo Season Foundation
Leo season is a time when we discover, or re-discover, that our Light is Love. Over these last four months, we have learned to integrate (either actively or passively) and embody the four elements:fire, earth, air and water. During Aries season (fire), we became aware. During Taurus season (earth), we become aware of our physical body. In Gemini season (air) we become aware of our mind. Then finally, in Cancer season, we became aware of our emotional body(water). Now, after integrating all four elements, we learn to embody the 5th sign on the cosmic wheel/the 5th element Spirit (Aether or Quintessency - which literally translates as "the fifth element" in Latin). Now, as we enter Leo season - ruled by the Sun - we are being asked to shine our unique Light (Spirit) outwards. It is by embracing all that Leo has to teach us, we learn that Light (Sol/Spirit) is Love (Heart).
“Love is the light of your soul.”
How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?
How can I become the king/queen of my kingdom?
What qualities have I come here to master?
When and where do feelings of insecurity and emotional vulnerability surface?
I set the intention to learn the necessary life-skills to be a leader.
Actions for leo Season
Find the combination of activities that fuel your fire.
Create an altar. Create sacred space for Leo Season. You can find alter suggestions in the guidebook.
Connect with the Sun/Sol. Each Season offers unique days to align with the energies of the blessings and lessons. During Leo Season, you align yourself with the energies of Sol (Sunday), the planetary ruler of Leo. Wake up early and watch the sunrise. Take in the rising energy of this Universal Life Force.
Sunday is a day ruled by the Sun. A day to recharge and connect with your Higher Self. Sunday is the perfect day to do ‘what lights you up’ and feed your spiritual self. Today is also a great day to pull tarot cards and connect deeper with your intuition - ask your spirit guides and higher self what guidance you need to plan for the week ahead.
Inhale Golden Light. We strengthen ourselves by inhaling golden light into our heart chakra, and exhaling the shadow of our sorrows and disillusions. Agrippa calls the Sun, the “lucid flame”.
Observe. Select a journal, and every Sunday, record your dreams, thoughts, experiences and observations.
Collect items: pen, paper, tarot cards, candles, incense, herbs, symbols to represent Sol/Sun: sunflowers, lions, the Strength Tarot Card, etc.
Wear Gold & Dress in Yellow. Channel the energies of Sol to stoke your spiritual flame, by wearing Gold and yellows.
I Will. Acknowledge your power, strength and determination.
Make a list, collect your thoughts.
Guidebook & Journal: Leo Season
“Love is the LIGHT of your soul”
If you are not familiar with the 12 houses. and what it means to have your 1st house or 2nd house illuminated by the new or full moon - visit Foundation 2 for the fundamentals: The Moon, Magick, the 12 Houses & Manifesting.
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