Virgo Season

Estimated Time: 1 hour and 40 minutes, 11 seconds
Journal Estimated Time: One Month


“In the Northern Hemisphere we are entering Autumn. Which represents the natural cycle of slowing down and gathering our resources. Our focus is on preservation and nourishment, as we prepare ourselves to go inward for spiritual introspection. This is our moment to sit in the stillness and let it speak to us”

Season Tools

Seasons’ Theme

New Moon: Virgo (Ruled by Mercury)
Full Moon: Pisces (Ruled by Jupiter Ancient Astrology, Neptune Modern Astrology)
Planet: Mercury
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Archetype: The Virgin
Element: Earth
Tarot: The Hermit (Virgo) / The Magician (Mercury)
Body: Intestines & Colon
I am of service. I analyze


Color: Orange
Incense: Cinnamon (for speed),
Minerals: Agate, Emerald, Mercury (Quicksilver), Topaz, Tin, Citrine, Labradorite, Opal
Plants: Caraway, Dill, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Liquorice, Sandalwood, Storax
Animals: Ape, Bat, Coyote, Dog, Hummingbird, Jackal, Magpie, Parrot, Salmon, Twin Serpents
Offerings: tobacco, cigarettes, sweetened coffee, alcohols, and coins


Magickal Number: 4
Yellow, indigo, purple Purple, Deep Blue
Incense: Nutmeg
Minerals: Citrine, Emerald, Gold, Green Jasper, Sapphire, Silver, Turquoise
Plants: Alfalfa, Bayberry, Cedar, Cinquefoil, Copal, Fir, Hyssop, Lavender, Saffron, Sage, St Johns’ Wort, Shamrock, Vervain
Animals: Bull, Centaur, Eagle, Praying Mantis, Ram, Raven, Stag, Sturgeon, Wren
Offerings: Golden liquors, champagne, fresh fruits, fragrant oils, Frankincense

Being of Service, Humbled Ego, Healthy Boundaries, creating a healthy framework to process emotions. Organized Manifestation.

Shadow of Virgo: Perfectionist, critical, obsessive-compulsive, focus too heavily on the wrongs of what’s not working. Feelings of guilt or inadequacy..


Virgo encourages us to go inward for spiritual introspection - to sit in stillness and allow it to guide us.

Welcome to Virgo season. We’ve moved past the Eclipse. Past Mercury Retrograde. Past Leo season - and now we’ve entered the Season of Virgo. The last few months have been life-changing for many. Unstable and unpredictable as we’ve been reorganizing both our inner and outer landscapes. Learning to navigate grief, loss, change, and newness. We leverage the energy of Virgo season and take this time to try to organize and make sense of it all. We look at the truth of what is and sift through what works and what doesn’t. Virgo is associated with work, service, health, purification, organization, detail-oriented, and analytical thinking. These are the qualities we look to embody during this season.  

Virgo lessons of patience, contemplation, and observation draw us forward to be more present. Our focus shifts to the small details and building blocks that make up our whole life and future. Virgo Season asks that we who we work with, what labor, service, and being of service means for us. Virgo asks us to purify and cleanse any toxic habits and re-evaluate our day-to-day routines.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we are entering autumn. Which represents the natural cycle of slowing down and gathering our resources. Our focus is on preservation and nourishment, as we prepare ourselves to go inward for spiritual introspection. This is our moment to sit in the stillness and let it speak to us, let it guide us to the intentions and lessons that must birth the new life we are seeking. There is a beautiful transformation that takes place in autumn, as the leaves flower - showing us the transformational ritual of release. Just as autumn teaches us how to re-priorities our energies and let go, Virgo pushes us to see what’s not working and course correct, often finding more efficient and compassionate ways of doing things, in the process.

“During Virgo season, we can take a look at the ways in which we give too much of ourselves and are left feeling drained and underappreciated.”

Hint: Jump to different sections within the video, by clicking on the blue dots on the timeline.

Virgo Season Foundation

đź“– Virgo Season Foundation - Slides from Video [PDF]

As we seek out stability through the grounded presence of Virgo season. Virgo season teaches us that to practice boundaries and self-care. During this Virgo season we can take a look at the ways in which we give too much of ourself, and are left feeling drained and under-appreciated. As these places get highlighted, it gives us the opportunity to reorganize situations to make them work for us, so we aren’t just “being of service” for others people success or satisfaction. This is a time when we re-evaluate who we work with, what labor and services means for us. Use this season to explore which area in your life you are giving too much of yourself without proper recognition or compensation. Lessons of patience, contemplation and observation draw us forward and ask us to be more present. It’s important to not only see the details of our situation and life, but to take a step back and reflect on the bigger picture so that we don’t lose perspective. Don’t forget to take time to admire the little details, offer a kind word of appreciation to yourself and someone else, enjoy the journey to creating more order in your life.

“How can I be of services?”

  • How and where can I be of service?
    Where you have Virgo in your natal chart, is an area where you can be of service to others; and it is also the area in where you may need to create healthier boundaries and learn to say “no”.

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • How can I create more healthy routines and boundaries for myself?

  • How can I incorporate a more healthy diet?

  • How can I better nourish myself?

  • How can I introduce meditation, mindfulness, and body-centered practices to keep my mind and body healthy during this time?

Virgo Season Light & Shadow

Un-evolved Virgo energy can be critical, obsessive-compulsive, and focus too heavily on the wrongs of what’s not working. Virgo in her shadow is in the critical details - and her inability allows for life's unpredictability. Be mindful of lingering in the energies of Virgos’ Shadow. In it’s shadow - without a connection to Spirit - un-evolved Virgo energy can create anxiety, be critical of both themselves and others. At the high end, evolved Virgo energy is altruistic and wants to be of service.

  • Light / Strength: Being of Service, Humbled Ego, Healthy Boundaries

  • Shadow / Weakness: Perfectionist, critical, obsessive-compulsive

Virgo Sun & Pisces Full Moon

“If we can stay with the tension of opposites long enough — sustain it, be true to it — we can sometimes become vessels within which the divine opposites come together and give birth to a new reality.”
― Marie-Louise von Franz

Each Zodiac Season highlights a Full Moon / Sun polarity. Not only are we learning the lessons of Virgo season, but we are also gifted an opportunity to achieve an energetic balance between the Virgo/Pisces axis.  We will explore the polarity between Virgo/Pisces and Mercury/Neptune.  

The polarity of the Virgo/Pisces is considered one of the most challenging and karmic axes in astrology. This polarity is about balancing order (Virgo) and chaos (Pisces). From disorganization to organization, we seek stability within the rise and fall of the emotional waves.

Virgo contains the discipline necessary to create Heaven (Pisces) here on earth (Virgo). Virgo takes what is ethereal (Pisces), a thought or daydream (seeds of potential), and gets to work, working this dream and this thought - and bringing it down into a reality. Virgo has the discipline and focuses to create routines and habits, to plan and build - step by step. Virgo keeps us committed to stay the course, on the path to manifest our dream.

It is by embracing all that Virgo has to teach us, we learn that we can create healthy routines and boundaries for self-care. Virgo season teaches us to create new habits that support the manifestation of the dreams the Pisces Full Moon brings. Virgo’s discipline and organization skills can assist the energy of Pisces to create a space for organized manifestation. When we properly balance and channel the Virgo/Pisces energies, we are able to manifest Heaven (Pisces) on Earth (Virgo).


Ancient Wisdom: Sufi Lost Key Story 

A man is walking home late one night when he sees an anxious Mulla Nasruddin down on all fours, crawling on his hands and knees on the road, searching frantically under a streetlight for something on the ground.

“Mulla, what have you lost?” the passer-by asks.

“I am searching for my key,” Nasruddin says sounding very anxious.

“I’ll help you look,” the man says and joins Mulla Nasrudin in the search. Soon both men are down on their knees under the streetlight, looking for the lost key. After some time, the man asks Nasrudin, “Tell me Mulla, do you remember where exactly did you drop the key?”

Nasrudin waves his arm back toward the darkness and says, “Over there, in my house. I lost the key inside my house…” Shocked and exasperated, the passer-by jumps up and shouts at Mulla Nasrudin, “Then why are you searching for the key out here in the street?” 

“Because there is more light here than inside my house,” Mulla Nasrudin answers in a casual manner.

Meditate on the message in this ancient story, even in the modern-day we find ourselves searching for the meaning and mysteries of life (our keys) where the light is best. However, we know deep in our hearts, that the spiritual wisdom and truth we seek is found within (our body/temple). Similar to the advice of the Sufi mystics, in order to discover the spiritual keys to our own spiritual development and mystery - we need to embody the lessons of Virgo / The Hermit and search within ourselves. Where the light may not always be bright, and where we may encounter our shadow; but it’s only after we take the time to search within, giving our spiritual eyes (third eye) time to adjust to seeing in the shadow.

Actions for Virgo Season

Find the combination of activities that ground you.

  • Create an altar. Create sacred space for Virgo Season. You can find alter suggestions in the guidebook.

  • Connect with the Mercury. Each Season offers unique days to align with the energies of the blessings and lessons. During Virgo Season, you align yourself with the energies of Mercury (Wednesday), the planetary ruler of Virgo. Mercury & Virgo supports gathering and analyzing information.

  • Organize your space & Protect your Energy. Be mindful of who you share your energy and resources with.

  • Nourish your body. Eat oatmeal, or other colon / intestinal supportive foods.

  • Good Hygiene. Dress tidy, be clean and practice good hygiene

  • Create a routine.

  • Observe. Select a journal, and every Wednesday, record your dreams, thoughts, experiences and observations.

  • Collect items: pen, paper, tarot cards, candles, incense, herbs, symbols to represent Mercury/Virgo: The Hermit tarot card.

  • Make a list, collect and organize your thoughts.

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Guidebook & Journal: Virgo Season

Being of Service & Setting Healthy Boundaries


If you are not familiar with the 12 houses or what it means to have your 1st house or 2nd house illuminated by the new or full moon, visit Foundation 2 for the fundamentals: The Moon, Magick, the 12 Houses & Manifesting.

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