Foundation 2 - Lunar Magick

As above, so below. Once you have a picture of the planetary challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, day, week, month and season in rhythm with the Universal energies.

Foundation 2: Understanding the Law of Rhythm, setting intentions with the Moon

The second is the framework for observing rhythm and manifesting through the lunar cycle. If you are already familiar with setting intentions, rituals, and manifesting, this foundation will serve as confirmation of what you already know. I encourage you - if you are new to this framework - to set an intention to learn.

In this space, you will learn about both the dark and light sides of lunar phases. Each moon phase has its own unique characteristics, and by working with them in harmony, you can achieve a unified whole. You can get a sense of the potential teachings, opportunities, and blessings the moon offers by asking questions like what Zodiac sign it is in, what emotional tone it sets for the week and month, which Zodiac house it activates in your chart, and which god or goddess it honors.

Lunar Phases

New Moon | A time to set intentions, dream, and plant a seed
The conjunction between the Sun and Moon represents the New Moon. You can only see the dark half of the moon during this time. This is why it is called the New or Dark moon.

First Quarter | A time for your act of service, cultivation and water the seed
The First Quarter Moon is represented by the waxing square and Sextile between the Sun and Moon. During this waxing period, the energy of the body moves into your higher centers (chakras); this is a time to put action behind our intentions. Remain dedicated and focused on yourself & goals.

Full Moon | A time to gather, harvest the seed, celebrate, and share
The Full Moon is a time of completion; and represents the opposition between the Sun and Moon. When the efforts behind our intentions are given light. And how the Universe, and others, received your efforts and intentions.

Last Quarter | A time to cleanse, analyze, reflect and release
The Last Quarter Moon is represented by the waning square and Sextile between the Sun and Moon. A time of reflection, correction, and release. A time to organize debt and bills and reduce stress or burdens. A time to organize and prepare your home, mind, body and soul to release and receive.

Solar & Lunar Eclipses

Eclipses, unlike the typical new moon / full moons, are not the time for ritual, manifestation or intention setting. This is because Eclipses take place in the realm of the Lunar Nodes, which means that the Universe is taking over and guiding you toward your fate.

Eclipse cycles are amplified New and Full Moons that arrive in pairs or triplets, with themes that are revisited during eclipses six months later. A solar eclipse is an amplified new moon, which brings about new beginnings; a lunar eclipse is an amplified full moon, usually more emotional as it brings about endings. Both are three times as strong as a traditional new/full moon. Their purpose is to open up portals for growth that offer you new ways of being. As such, they are known for bringing forth new information that pushes you towards growth in the form of life lessons. Any challenges that you have been avoiding will also come up, adding to your cosmic to-do list of inner work.

The eclipse season can be a catalyst for rapid change and growth. Because of the onset of lessons they bring,  this could be a time of rapid transformation in your life or perhaps a leap forward into something entirely new. Eclipse season can be a bit daunting - like a cosmic school where your lessons are accelerated, and the tests are extra hard. But it can also be a time for growth and to reap the rewards of the work you’ve done finally. Of course, growth is uncomfortable, which is why this cosmic season of accelerated lessons can be harrowing. But while difficult, it is also a time when the lessons you have worked on finally bear fruit. Eclipse season asks that you face an end, which is never easy. But everything has its season, and endings come, whether you’re ready or not. Eclipses are a time to face an ending — possibly one you’ve been hoping to avoid — because change comes all the same, no matter how tightly you hold on.

Foundation 2 - Slide Decks

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Setting Monthly New Moon Intentions

Foundation 2. - Slides

Purposeful living & setting monthly New Moon intentions, with the 12 houses.

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Weekly Lunar Intention Setting

Foundation 2. - Slides
Purposeful living & setting weekly intentions with the moon.

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