Posts tagged relationships
Love and Self Love

Libra Season, Venus & 7th House
Sept 23rd - Oct 22nd
Libra Season is ruled by Venus and is a season where we focus on love magick, and harmony. This is a time to heal the relationships in our lives; especially the relationship we have with ourselves. What better way to tap into the energy of love and relationships, than by setting the intention to call love in.

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Telepathic Communication & Automatic Writing

Gemini Season, Mercury & 3rd House
May 21st - June 20th
Express and Exchange Information. Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, rules the mind and the hands. What you think, you can manifest into reality. As above (our mind and intention), so Below (materialize into matter/reality). What you think and speak creates the world around you.

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Abundance is an expression of love

Taurus Season, Venus & 2nd House
April 20th - May 19th
Abundance is an expression of love. Taurus Season is ruled by Venus. Venus rules prosperity/ She gives us the power to attract what we desire. What better way to tap into the energy of abundance, than by setting your subconscious mind to a wealthy mindset? You might be telling yourself, "my financial situation is such that I need a miracle." You are entitled to miracles!

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Akashic Records

Taurus Season, Venus & 2nd House
April 20th - May 19th
Self-worth. Developing Skill. The Akashic Records are often likened to a library. Your akashic records are a catalog of all the emotions, experiences, and events your soul has experienced. You can tap into your creativity or gain enlightenment, explore your past lives - remember and reclaim those skills and lessons, to benefit you in this life time.

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Setting Boundaries

Aries Season, Mars & 1st House
March 21st - April 19th
Setting Boundaries. One of the most effective ways to step into your authority is by setting healthy boundaries; with yourself and others. Your boundaries are not rigid. They are guidelines to help you live a fulfilling and happier life. Guidelines to help strengthen your sense of self-respect and self-worth, guidelines to help you become more assertive and confident and be who you want to be, not how anyone else wants you to be.

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Lucid Dreaming

Pisces Season, Neptune & 12th House
Feb 19th - March 20th
Lucid Dreaming. One of the most effective ways to influence positive change in your life is to work in tandem with your conscious and unconscious mind. The art of Lucid Dreaming allows one to work directly with one's mind; becoming self-aware, "awake," within a dream. As you develop this skill, you can adjust and create a shift in your unconscious, allowing for significant shifts on the surface. Dream control is self-control.

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Future Progression & Automatic Writing

Aquarius Season, Uranus / Saturn & 11th House
Jan 20th - Feb 18th
Tune-In and Channel Information. On a cellular level, we all hold memories of each of the lifetimes we have ever experienced as well as the lifetimes we one day are going to experience. Just as you can leverage Past Live Regression to guide you; you can use Future Progression to guide you in seeing future obstacles and opportunities.

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Manifesting & Removing Doubts

Capricorn Season, Saturn & 10th House
Dec 22nd - Jan 19th
What you seek is seeking you. Learn the art of manifesting using the Law of Attraction & the Law of Detachment. If you've studied or experimented with Manifesting and the Law of Attraction for any length of time you've probably asked yourself, "Why am I still getting what I don't want?" Somewhere in your subconscious you hold the belief, or doubt, that you either not ready or not worth it. Together lets learn to drop the doubt and attachment.

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