Posts tagged healing
Secret of the Golden Flower Meditation

Leo Season, Sol & 5th House
July 23rd - Aug 22nd
Light is Love. Self-Confidence, Creativity, Heart-Chakra, Building inner strength. Sol, the sun, is Leos’ planetary ruler. It is during Leo season that we possess the capacity to cultivate and channel Light. Leo season is a time when we discover or re-discover, that our Light is Love. Leo season: the 5th sign on the cosmic wheel, and the 5th element. We discover the 5th element/Spirit/LIGHT. Leos’ energy supports our spirit and soul growth.

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Nurturing your Inner Child

Cancer Season, Luna & 4th House
June 21 - July 22nd
Nurturing your Inner Child. Cancer is our Universal Mother, gifting us the energetic support and lessons to heal our family dynamics. Through channeling her energy, and her teaching, Luna will guide you in deepening your capacity for unconditional love and compassion. Together, let us work through childhood memories that may be hindering your advancement.

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