Nurturing your Inner Child
Cancer is our Universal Mother, gifting us the energetic support and lessons to improve and heal our family dynamics. Through channeling her energy, and her teaching, Cancer/Luna will guide you in deepening your capacity for unconditional love and compassion. During Cancer Season, or the Cancer Full Moon, the Universe will ask you to work through childhood memories that may be hindering your advancement.
For this meditation, we will begin by sending compassion and kindness to both our conscious self and inner child. This guided meditation is an extension to LKM (Loving Kindness Meditation), as we repeat these powerful phrases:
May I be happy.
May I be peaceful.
May I be free from suffering.
You can perform this ritual and guided meditation whenever your intuition calls your awareness to it, or when your 4th house is illuminated, or on Mondays (ruled by Luna). You can learn more about Cancer energy and Cancer Season in Foundation 3.
Sometime in your childhood, you were forced to abandon your childish emotions and behaviors, because an adult decided that needed you needed to “grow up”. And, not knowing any better, you obeyed them, because that is what we are taught to do as children.
Why can’t children act like children?
Why must adults behave like adults?
The answer is because we are programmed this way by society. And “adults” controlled our behavior, as children, because that’s what happened to them; during their own childhood. And society believes that this is the correct way to nurture
Guided Meditation
Exclusive for Nomad Members: Nurturing your Inner Child
Channel the energy of Luna
Channeling the energy of Luna, as a mirror, to reflect on our emotions.
Suggestion: Work with this guided meditation and ritual for a few weeks. An internal shift is gradual and needs your dedication and commitment. After you have worked with this guided meditation for a few sessions, you can work deeper with the energies of Luna and healing your emotional body by preforming a ritual and taking a spiritual bath, to accelerate the shift in your inner child to heal deeper.
What you Need
Altar to Luna
Tarot Cards: The High Priestess
Guided Meditation
To prepare for this guided meditation and ritual:
You can choose to listen to the guided meditation, or you use the guided meditation with an energetic releasing bath.
Cleanse yourself (bath) & cleanse your space. Choose a ritual area in your home that is ideally free of clutter, distractions, and technology. You can use sage, palo santo, or even incense to smudge the air. You can also pour sea salt around the area, then sweep it up and discard outside of your home.
Prepare an altar to Luna (see Cancer Season Guidebook). If you have a Lunar altar, clean it and create a space for offerings.
Take a cleansing spiritual bath (below) prior to sitting down for this meditation.
Meditate on her symbols, and channel her energy into your body.
Set the Intention to listen to your inner child.
Light 1 white candle.
Invite in Luna, the mother. Give gratitude to any blessing and offerings she has already given you. Allow that feeling of her nurturing to grow in your emotional mind, until you’re full with the feeling of expansion.
Take notes to what symbols, emotions or information comes through
As with any meditative practice or ritual, turn off your phone and create space to not be disturbed.
When finished, close down the ritual. Never blow out the candle. If you need to extinguish it, either snuff it out or pinch it out with moistened fingers. Whenever you relight the candle, remember the feeling of the energy of abundance.
Suggested Timing:
Work with this guided meditation and ritual for a few weeks. An internal shift is gradual and needs your dedication and commitment.
Use this guided meditation throughout the entire month of Cancer Season.
Use this guided meditation for each Monday (Luna rules Monday).
When the moon is Cancer.
“When we submerge ourselves in water, we harmonize our physical body and our emotional body. Taking a bath is an act of self-love.”
Spiritual Bath:
Spiritual Baths & Cleansing Baths are part of Spiritual Maintenance - washing away any unwanted energies or emotions that do not belong to us. It is helpful to attune yourself to the water element, flow, and be. Will you allow yourself to carve out some time to do something that leads to diving deep into the waters of your emotions and re-emerging as who you are? Reset your emotional body and intentions.
What you need (keep it simple):
Est. 1.5 liter of water (bottled water, ocean water, rain water)
Sea Salt (two handfuls)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or ritual oils)
2 White Candles (votive or tea-lights)
Sea Shells
White robe or white towels
Lemon balm (if accessible)
Clear Quartz or Moonstone* Optional
Florida Water* Optional
Prepare the Bath
Separate the cools (salt, oils) from the hot items (lemon balm). Now, add some water, as if you were going to boil some tea, as the water begins to heat up, awaken the lemon balm by reminding them of their purpose and asking for their assistance. Let the lemon balm steep and then take off the stovetop and cool down (you will mix this with the cooling items in a moment). If you do not have lemon balm, you can mix the cool items: salt, oils, and spring water.
Combine the Items
Place the salt (two handfuls), into a bowl with cool water with any complimentary ritual oils at this time (do not add olive oil that is for later) You can add love healing, emotional healing or any condition oil to support emotional healing of your choice at this time. Mix the warm herbs, salt together in a glass (or plastic) jar. Place a crystal of your choice in the water. Let these items now sit together. Crystal suggestions: clear quartz, moonstone. You can further awaken the water by singing to it, ringing bells or chimes.
In the bathroom, clean the bath and or shower of soap or residue; and have your towel or robe nearby. Run the bathwater, and put the prepared bath mixture into the water. Sage the space.
When the bath has been made, place two tea lights at the edge of the bathtub or shower entrance. Caution, be careful with fire. You are to walk through the tea lights both on entry and exit.
Once in the bath or shower, this is your own personal ritual. I suggest that you remind yourself of your intentions. See yourself surrounded with light and say out loud - “That all energy that is not mine and does not serve me is returned to source.”
When you submerge your body, imagine that you are going into the Universal Womb, and deeper into your healing subconscious. While underwater, listen.
Feel yourself as though you are back in your mother’s womb (male or female, we have all experienced a period of transformation within the womb). Are you courageous enough to sit still, and anchor yourself into the present moment? The feeling of here and now? What’s coming to mind is a deluge of all the emotions that may have been stifled or stuffed down. These feelings may be returning to us like waves rising toward the shore. These emotions are returning, not to drown us in our emotions, rather to wash and heal us. Allow these feelings, like waves, to roll and release.
Take time and sit in the water, allow your thoughts to come. And, as easily as they come, observe these thoughts, and like waves - allow them to go. Keep yourself relaxed in a meditative state. Remember why you are taking the bath. When you are finished, usually in about 20 minutes, you will exit the bath through the tea lights.
When you emerge from the water, your emotional body is re-born, clearer, pure, washed free of all that you were carrying (depending on your emotional past, you may want or need to do this ritual for three moon cycles/ 3 months).
Protection and RestorationNow that you removed and released emotional energy, you will need to replace it with intention. Use the Olive Oil (or ritual oil of choice) and if you’re catholic you can use a cross - if you prefer otherwise, you can just dab the oil on the following points on your body.
1) Crown (top of head)
2) Third Eye (forehead)
3) Nape of neck (back of neck)
4) Palm of each hand
5) Base of each foot
Now, wrap yourself in either a towel or robe (do not towel dry).
Suggested Journaling Prompts:
If anything, what would you change about your life? What steps could you take to make that change?
What names have you called your mom growing up and how have these changed? What nicknames does your mom calls you, and how did they come about?
Where do I feel most at home?
When and where do feelings of insecurity and emotional vulnerability surface?
How can I better nurture myself?
What do you desire to feel about yourself and your life?