XII. The Hanged Man

The journey from Strength to Temperance, we develop our sense of self - and how we master our emotions when faced with external challenges.

The Hanged Man is the twelfth key in the major arcana. This is when the Fool learns to accept impermanence, the greatest truth of life. We are only here temporarily, and accept and become enlightened of death's unavoidable arrival is a part of life. In death, we discard the physical body and all of our material possessions, an unavoidable part of our spiritual journey on earth.

I pause. I see situations from a different perspective.
I am able to flip the problem to create unique solutions for resolving difficult situations.

XII. The Hanged Man

The hanged man invites us to take pause, and see a problem from another angle. Literally, sometimes having to flip upside down. Sometimes life will force us slow down, if we aren't inclined to do so on our own. The Hangman also represents a moment of brief enlightenment - in where a spark of inspiration or knowledge is downloaded to us from above. All you need to do, first, is to sit in stillness.

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