Welcome to the Shala.
Welcome to Satori Shala. We are honored to hold space for your intuitive curiosity, exploration and development. As a Manifestor, we gift you with the tools to set intentions with the planetary energies.
Setting and living your intentions allows you to focus on who you are in the moment, to recognize and live your values, and to raise your emotional and physical energy. Take the time to meditate, plan your strategies, and gather your resources so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you each month. Once you’ve have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live in rhythm with the Univeral energies that await you. As above, so below.
The Foundation of Manifesting
(Foundations 1 is live! Spend the next lunar cycle studying Foundation 1.
Foundation 2 & 3 will arrive soon.)
Leo Season: Astrology, New Moon Intentions & Tarot Affirmations
We are currently in Leo Season
(July 22nd - Aug 22nd 2019).
Leo Season offers a sweet end to Mercury Retrograde & The Eclipse Season.
What we need to watch out for are ego conflicts, selfishness, creating unnecessary drama, and unhealthy attention seeking behavior. What we can embrace is a return of generosity, playfulness, self-love, passion, and romanticism.
Leo is associated with the Major Arcana tarot card Strength.
I take full responsibility for what happens in my life. Who I am now is the result of my thoughts and actions from the past (good, negative or avoidant). What I can become is determined by what I’ll do today, and how I build the strength and internal resources to navigate obstacles.