Akashic Records
“Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self ...”
In theosophy, the Akashic (from akasha, the Sanskrit word for sky or space) records symbolize a compilation of mystical knowledge encoded in a spiritual plane of existence known as the astral plane. The Akashic Records are often likened to a library where the information about anything you wish to discover is thought to be stored. It is said to consist of every thought that has ever been and every probability that will ever be. This is a psychic skill we’ll focus on strengthening during Taurus season. Together, lets tap into your memories. From skills you’ve mastered in previous lifetimes, financial freedom to personal development, there is an abundance of information available to you. Remember and reclaim this information from past and future lives. Download these skills and lessons, to become that you again. You can learn more about Taurus energy and Taurus Season in Foundation 3.
“In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic Record is a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane. Akasha (ākāśa आकाश) is the Sanskrit word for 'aether', 'sky', or 'atmosphere'.[4] A related concept is the Preserved Tablet (al-Lawhu 'l-Mahfuz) of Islamic theology, the heavenly preserved record of all that has happened and will happen.” - Wikipedia
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records refers to the frequency grid programs that create our reality. A theosophical term referring to a universal filing system that records our every occurring thought, word, and action. The Akashic records are the macrocosm of the individual subconscious mind. Both function similarly, they possess thoughts that are never forgotten. Many people access their Akashic records through meditation and self-hypnosis. The Akashic Record is a resource for the soul. It holds your soul’s history—where you’ve been before, what you’re facing now, and how it relates to your purpose this lifetime.
CM – Conscious Mind - The conscious mind is the focus of our everyday awareness which is the part of the mind you are using as you read this guide. It is known as the ‘critical sensor’ that evaluates problems and situations as and when they arise.
SM – Subconscious Mind - The subconscious mind is where your automatic behavior and ingrained habits are stored once they have filtered through the conscious mind and been accepted. This is also where most of your early learnings and childhood memories lie and is the seat of the imagination and emotions; it can overlap to the SC area.
SC – Superconscious Mind - The superconscious is where your creativity and personal Akashic records are stored and this deeper part of your mind can be accessed through dreams, meditation and self-hypnosis.
CC – Collective Unconscious - The collective unconscious is where the energy from all life forms exists and this is the part we tap into when an idea comes to us out of the blue and we later discover someone else has come up with the same idea at the same time without any connection to ourselves or other logical explanation. You can tap into your creativity or gain enlightenment, explore your past lives and future potentials by accessing your own Akashic records but the process can take time and practice in order to find what you are seeking.
Synonyms for the Akashic Records
Individual Records – The Urantia Book, The Book of Life, The Cosmic Mind, The Universal Library, Cosmic or Collective Consciousness, The Universal Mind, The Book of Remembrance, The Hall of Learning, The Repository of Thoth
Where are the records found?
The Akashic records, are believed, to be found between the Astral Plane and the Mental Plane. From these planes, the records permeate throughout all dimensional realities. The records exist at a higher vibration than the Collective Unconscious. Accessing your Akashic records can guide you in sorting out difficult or major life transitions, facilitate growth, direction creativity and personal / professional development.
Access skills and resources you’ve mastered in previous lifetimes.
You want to know the impact of past lives upon you today.
You want to receive valuable guidance on how to work through present challenges, patterns, or issues.
Gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles and challenges you are facing or have faced
Learn what next steps you should be making in your career or business and what your soul has to say about your work-life
Feeling stuck—get more clarity on what is energetically standing in your way of moving forward
The Akashic Records are filled with the wisdom and energetic input that can be inspirational and supportive to artists and entrepreneurs, healers and scholars, and all adults of every vocation and avocation.
Receive clarity on the soul-level benefits of different paths when you’re debating a choice
Before your Journey
A spiritual cleansing routine is usually carried out before commencing the Akashic Journey; this may consist of visual exercises of healing, cleansing lights and chakra energy - as well as fasting from taking any recreational drugs and alcohol for 24hrs. You’ll never receive information you are not ready or prepared to receive. Spirit knows where you are in your journey and what is beneficial for you at this particular stage in your journey. Keep Practicing! It is also important to be patient and to accept that we will only attain information and. enlightenment when we are mentally and spiritually ready to receive it; this can take weeks, months, or even years with some people.
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Journal. Before your journey, write a question at the top of your journal. After each session, use all of your senses (leveraging Taurus Energy) to record the words, symbols, colors, smells and even tastes that you remember from your journey.
Sit in your meditation. Access your Records with either Prayer or the Guided Meditation. Ask your Question. Write down your answer. Give Gratitude. Review your notes afterwards.
DIY Exercise: Prayer to access your Akashic Records
There are a number of exercises which can help before you commence the journey; each requires finding a safe, comfortable place in which you won’t be disturbed.
Spiritual Cleansing
A spiritual cleansing routine is usually carried out before commencing the Akashic Journey; this may consist of visual exercises of healing, cleansing lights and chakra energy.
The Intention
I want you to think about any present-day challenges you’ve been experiencing. The Akashic Traveller must have the highest, purest intention and undertake this journey with a view to self-enlightenment and an aim to serve others in some way. It is wise to set this intention in your mind before commencing as it acts as a reminder as to what you aim to achieve.
Sample Questions. Avoid yes/no questions. The BEST questions begin with “What, Why or How”
Am I in the correct career?
What is my soul’s purpose?
Why can’t I heal?
What karmic debts do I need to pay?
What am I not seeing, and why am I not seeing it?
How can I best be centered in my Energy today?
What other information can you reveal that will help me shift my current perspective and direct me towards healing?
Quest (what are you seeking?)
What are you looking for on the Akashic Journey? You must know what questions you want answers for. This is not necessarily the same thing as the ‘intention’. Your intention might be to understand yourself better but your question could be related to something personal or more specific.
Relax your Mind & Body
Sit quietly and close your eyes. Empty your mind of all thoughts for 5 to 10 minutes. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in the life-force and hold each breath for 4 seconds before exhaling. Do this approximately 10xs. Then, begin to relax your body systematically. Start with your feet and work up around the different parts of your body until each muscle is completely relaxed. When your mind is clear and relaxed, you can begin the prayer to access your Akashic Records.
Prayer to Access your Akashic Records
Say aloud one (1) time, “Dear God, Creator, I ask that you place your shield of Light, Love and Truth around me, {my full legal name}. I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around me, {your full legal name} permanently so that only the love and truth of God will exist between you and me {my full legal name}. So that only Light, Love and Truth can pass through me {your full legal name}. I ask that my, {your full legal name}, Guides, Guardians, Angels, Loved Ones and Beings of Light be with me {your full legal name} now. I ask the Lord of the Akashic Records to allow me {your full legal name} access to the Hall of Records to allow me to open the Records {your full legal name} and access any information that I am allowed.”
Say internally to yourself two (2) times, “Dear God, Creator, I ask that you place your shield of Light, Love and Truth around me, {my full legal name}. I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around me, {your full legal name} permanently so that only the love and truth of God will exist between you and me {my full legal name}. So that only Light, Love and Truth can pass through me {your full legal name}. I ask that my, {your full legal name}, Guides, Guardians, Angels, Loved Ones and Beings of Light be with me {your full legal name} now. I ask the Lord of the Akashic Records to allow me {your full legal name} access to the Hall of Records to allow me to open the Records {your full legal name} and access any information that I am allowed.”
Say aloud three (3) times, “My Records are now open.”
Enter now and ask your question. What do you want to know? Form that question in your mind; ask whatever it is that you want to know. The answer will be given to you if and when you are ready to hear it. The answer may come to you in spoken words, or thoughts that you intuitively sense. Or, the answer could show itself in a symbolic form, such as a gift that is offered to you. Or, it may show itself as an image or a feeling that you will understand, either now or at a later date. Pause for approximately 7 seconds after asking each question. Whatever answers are given to you are there to explore deeper if you should wish to learn more.
Ask your next question.
After you have received as much information or inspiration as you want, then you should close the access to your Akashic Records.
Closing Prayer, say out loud “I thank my Masters, Guides and Loved Ones for the information that they have given me {your full legal name} today. I also thank the Guardians of the Akashic Records for allowing me {your full legal name} to open my records and access the information for my highest good. Amen.”
Say aloud three (3) times, “My Records are now closed.”
Take Notes: Keep your own Journal and record
Take some time to research the symbols and information that came to you in your journey.
Lords of Records
The Lords of Records are a group of Light Beings, nonphysical beings, who work at the Universal level, rather than with individual souls.
The Masters
Are a group of Light Being. Like the Lords of Records, they never had physical bodies. However, they do work with both the universal and individual soul. Your Master has been with you since your soul’s inception, and is focused on your soul’s growth, development and evolution.
The Teachers
Teachers join you at different parts in your souls journey. They are here to teach and pay witness to a specific lesson. Some lessons being are learned within a period of a lifetime, others over the course of multiple lifetimes.
Loved Ones
Loved Ones are souls that you knew in this lifetime, who are now deceased. They are not necessarily connected to you on an emotional level, they could be a distant relative or acquaintance who watches over you from afar while alive, but after death chose to actively support you in your journey.
Teachers and Loved Ones prefer not to be identified, to avoid attachment and for becoming dependent on them.
Suggested Practices
Master a skill. Download an akashic record any time there’s something you’d like to master, knowing you’ve already mastered it before and this will serve to help you master it again.
Select a feeling. Pick a day / Friday (Venus) to download a specific record you’re interested in – be it a specific feeling, experience, way of being you’re looking to manifest in this lifetime. After the download, see if anything shifts in upcoming weeks.
Stay aware. Pay attention to symbols, dreams, and people that come to you after the journey work. Even months later.
Keep a journal. Record your dreams and emotional responses.
Suggested Reading
Healing Through the Akashic Records: Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds to Discover Your Soul's Perfection By Linda Howe