Abundance is an expression of love



Abundance is an expression of love. Abundance and prosperity begins in your mind, and this cycle is your opportunity to use your inner mind creatively to produce abundance. You might be telling yourself, "my financial situation is such that I need a miracle." You are entitled to miracles! To attract abundance, you find meaning and joy in the work that you do, your activities, and service to others. Taurus Season is ruled by Venus. What better way to tap into the energy of abundance, than by setting your subconscious mind to a wealthy mindset. You can preform this ritual and guided meditation whenever your intuition calls your awareness to it, when your 2nd house is illuminated, or on Fridays (ruled by Venus). You can learn more about Taurus energy and Taurus Season in Foundation 3.


Venus is the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, abundance, desire, fertility, and finances. She is known as Aphrodite in Greek mythology. She is the Goddess of Love, the Goddess of Money/Abundance and the Goddess of Inspiration. She is associated with the lush fertile greenness on our planet, the life-giving force it provides. She provides warmth and substance; think of this facet of Venus as her in her earthy form as The Empress in the Tarot.

Venus rules prosperity and our capacity for enjoyment. She gives us the power to attract what we desire. Manifestation and Abundance is a powerful gift of Venus. She is the Star of Ishtar, Star of Inanna, the ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna (also called the Star of Venus), the 8 pointed star that you see within The Star, Major Arcana Tarot card. Venus is our wishes. 

Venus as depicted in the Major Arcana
The Golden Eclipse Tarot Deck


The glyph for Venus, referred to as the “Mirror of Venus,” is the circle of spirit over the cross of matter; representing the infusion of spirit into the material world through love. 

Channeling Venus, during Taurus Season, we are given the Spiritual key into manifesting. Taurus rules the 5 senses. Taurus reminds us to connect to our 5 senses to unlock the gift of Venus, is to use all our senses: to see/visualize, smell, taste, touch, feel and put all that you wish to manifest and attract.

Abundance and Lack

Like attracts like. How tapped in are we to Source, God, Self, Goddess? Abundance flows THROUGH us. When we disengage from Source, Self, God, we fall into lack. We fall into fear. When Venus is Retrograde, approximately once every eighteen months, we are given the opportunity to explore the shadow side of Venus, and our fear of lack. The tension and challenges we experience during this time can help us gain perspective. Look back at the theme of your life during the Venus Rx in March and April 2009, October and November 2010, May and June 2012, July to August 2015, October to November 2018, Venus Stations Retrograde May 12, 2020, at 21°50' Gemini.  Do you notice any themes?


Guided Meditation

Exclusive for Nomad Members: Abundance is an expression of love

This guided meditation opens with a chakra clearing and healing, aligning you into your body. Then, followed by the Abundance Meditation. Prosperity begins in your mind, and this guided meditation is your opportunity to use your inner mind creatively to produce abundance.

Channel the energy of Venus

Channeling the energy of Venus and abundance, you open an inner door and step into the sunlight of abundance - in all its manifestation. You say "thank you" for this great gift. For you know that it comes, not from you, but an energy that channels through you. And with this new abundance, you can grow and serve that you may be a channel of blessings to others, for abundance is an expression of love; and expression of Venus.

Suggestion: Work with this guided meditation and ritual for a few weeks. An internal shift is gradual and needs your dedication and commitment. After you have worked with this guided meditation for a few session, you can work deeper with the energies of Venus & Abundance by preforming a ritual and scared space as a spiritual container to accelerate the shift in your inner mind to welcome abundance.

What you Need

  1. Altar to Venus

  2. 1 or 7 Green Candles (7 being the planetary number for Venus)

  3. Offering to Venus (see Taurus Season Guidebook)

  4. Pen - Green

  5. Tarot Cards: The Empress & The Star (optional)

  6. Journal

  7. Guided Meditation

To prepare for this guided meditation and ritual:

  1. You can choose to listen to the guided meditation, or you use the guided meditation with a ritual to Venus.

  2. Cleanse yourself (bath) & cleanse your space. Choose a ritual area in your home that is ideally free of clutter, distractions, and technology. You can use sage, palo santo, or even incense to smudge the air. You can also pour sea salt around the area, then sweep it up and discard outside of your home. 

  3. Prepare a Taurus/Venus Altar (see Taurus Season Guidebook). If you have a Venus altar, clean it and create a space for offerings. 

  4. Take a cleansing spiritual bath (below) prior to sitting down for this meditation.

  5. Meditate on her symbols, and channel her energy into your body.

  6. Optional: Meditate on the meaning behind The Empress, the Star. Take notes to what symbols, emotions or information comes to you.

  7. Set the Intention to attract Abundance.

  8. Light 1 or 7 white or green candles -  (7 being the planetary number for Venus). These can be tea-lights, pillars or 7-day glass ritual candles.

  9. Invite in Venus, the goddess of abundance. Give gratitude to any blessing and offerings she has already given you. Allow that feeling of abundance to grow in your mind, until you’re full with the feeling of expansion.

  10. Take notes to what symbols, emotions or information

  11. As with any meditative practice or ritual, turn off your phone and create space to not be disturbed.

  12. When finished, close down the ritual. Never blow out the candle. If you need to extinguish it, either snuff it out or pinch it out with moistened fingers. Whenever you relight the candle, remember the feeling of the energy of abundance.

Suggested Timing:

  • Work with this guided meditation and ritual for a few weeks. An internal shift is gradual and needs your dedication and commitment.

  • Use this guided meditation throughout the entire month of Taurus Season.

  • Use this guided meditation for each Friday (Venus rules Friday), or Monday nights after sunset (hour of Venus).

  • When the moon is in her sign: Taurus or Libra

Spiritual Bath:

Spiritual Baths & Cleansing Baths are part of Spiritual Maintenance - washing away any unwanted energies that do not belong to us. Or, to literally bathe ourselves and immerse ourselves in the energetic waters of abundance. A Spiritual bath can be performed prior to a ritual, to remove any unwanted energy, center the mind, and to clean our temple prior to asking the Divine for one’s intention. A bath can be done either in a traditional bath or by standing in a shower (and pouring the prepared bathwater over one’s head).

Sweetening Bath:

Ingredients (7 items - Planetary Number for Venus):

  • (1) Apple: Green Apple

  • (1) Honey

  • (2) Flowers: Roses (White or Red), Hibiscus

  • (3) Cinnamon, Nutmeg & Rosemary

In a small pan of water (bottled water or rainwater), heat the roses, hibiscus, honey, cinnamon, rosemary, and nutmeg - awaken the spirit of these ingredients. When the ingredients in the pan have heated, let cool, cut up the apples and add them to the mixture.  Follow the directions for taking a cleansing bath. Take some of the herbs, put some on your third eye, some on your heart. Allow yourself to feel the herbs clearing out your head and your heart. The honey opening up and adding sweetness to your life. You can also place some of the herbs on the back of your neck. When finished let yourself air dry, or pat yourself lightly with a towel.

Orange Citrus Bath:

  • Salt

  • Rosemary

  • Oranges

  • Lemons

  • Cinnamon

  • Honey

  • Any flower petals you are attracted too (white if possible)

In a small pan of water (bottled water or rain water), heat the flower petals, cinnamon, honey, rosemary - awaken the spirit of these ingredients. When the ingredients in the pan have heated, let cool, place in the salt, orange slices and lemon slices.  Follow the directions for taking a cleansing bath, and stepping through the portal of tea-lights.  When the bath has been made, place two tea lights at the edge of the bathtub or shower entrance. Caution - be careful with fire!

You are to walk through the tea lights both on entry and exit. Once in the bath or shower, this is your own personal ritual. Place the mixture near the bath. Before you enter the bath, take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself stepping into a sacred space through the candle path (if you have a shower, visualize yourself walking into cleansing rains). Pour some of the mixture into the bath

Submerge your head underwater three times (or if in the shower pour the bathwater over your head three times while saying your intention). When finished let yourself air dry, or pat yourself lightly with a towel.

Suggested Journaling Prompts:

  • What does abundance mean to you?

  • When was the last time you felt lack?  If you made a decision based on the feeling of lack, would you have avoided this decision if you had felt abundance or the option of choice (ex: I accepted the ___ full-time job because it was the first offer/secure)? What age were you and describe the situation? What steps could you have taken to prevent that situation?

  • In what way do you see yourself creatively moving forward? 

  • In the version of your most abundant self, what change must you make to make this happen?

  • If anything, what would you change about your life? What steps could you take to make that change?

  • What are new ways to make money? What is your relationship to money? 

  • What do you want in your life, your finances, your creative life, your community, friendships, family, your work, and spiritual life? 

  • Write about something you’re good at. What makes you good at it and why do you enjoy it? How much time did you invest in getting good at it - and did you have any encouragement from others, and if so - who and what was the encouragement/motivation?