Telepathic Communication & Automatic Writing



Telepathic Communication and Automatic Writing can be most easily explored during Gemini Season (May 21 to June 20), or when your 3rd house is illuminated. We select Gemini Season to strengthen our communication, negotiation, and writing skills. During Gemini Season, Gemini Full Moon, we explore how we can better exchange our ideas and information - because Gemini rules the house of communication.

Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, rules the mind and the hands. What you think, you can manifest into reality. As above, so below. Mercury corresponds to the Magician. One who has the power of creation by attaching words to objects. The Magician shows us the tools necessary for creation. As above (our mind and intention), so Below (materialize into matter/reality). What you think creates the world around you. Develop a mindset that you have all the tools necessary to achieve your goal.

This zodiac season asks us to explore the different ways we can express and communicate. However, these tools and techniques can be observed and developed at any time your intuition calls your awareness to them. Learn more about Gemini Season in Foundation 3.


As energetic beings, we are all connected, and gifted through this connection the art of energetic vibrational communication. This can be either Telepathic, or Empathic communication - and oftentimes using both to send a message to another person, or group of persons. Telepathic Communication can be advantageous in building relationships and negotiating.



Telepathic Communication and Automatic Writing Guided Meditations are exclusive for Nomad members

1 HR Workshop

1 HR Workshop

15 minutes

15 minutes

Channel the energy of Mercury

Channeling the energy of Mercury, and communication, you open the roads to clear exchange of information.

Suggestion: Work with this guided meditation and ritual for a few weeks. After you have worked with this guided meditation, you can work deeper with the energies of Mercury & Communication by performing a ritual and creating scared space. To be a spiritual container to open up communication, negotiation, and working with your writing.

Automatic Writing Exercises & Overview

  1. What you Need

    Paper - large enough that you will not need to flip or turn the page to continue writing.
    Candle (optional)

  2. The Intention

    I want you to think about any goals that you have set for yourself. Whether you want to innovate on a new creative vision, start a business, lose weight, stop smoking, gain confidence, or overcome any obstacles that have previously stood in your way - you can lean into the knowledge that this time you will succeed. You'll discover that your inner mind can create its own unique solutions to the problems you've been experiencing. Take time to collect your thoughts, meditate and select one focused intention, goal or idea that you’ve been met with resistance. This will be the intention you’ll ask your Higher Self to empower you with innovative solutions, and creative alternatives for success.

  3. What You’ll Do

    1. Visualize a candle, see the white light of the candle flame being drawn downwards, from your minds eyes, through the body: your head, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, thighs, legs and feet. This beautiful flame,  bright white light is within you. You are in the Light. You are the Light. You are protected by your own positive psychic energy field. You can also light a candle during your automatic writing session as energetic support.

    2. Ask you ancestors, guides, angels or the Divine to come to you during your meditation and ritual.

    3. With one hand holding your ink pen above the paper allow the messages to flow from spirit to paper without you trying to nudge or understand what is being written. You might find yourself drawing, writing symbols, or even numbers. Either way, allow it to flow. You’ll have a chance to examine it later.

    4. When your hand finally calms down, thank your guides for helping you and providing insight for you in that moment.

    5. Close out the circle by dismissing and thanking your ancestors, guides, angels or the Divine for their guidance.

  4. Read the channeled message

    Take some time to research the symbols and words that came through. Now that you have done this automatic writing session, you know you can trust your unconscious mind to act in your own best interests. Remember, it has been looking out for you since the moment of your conception and even if it went slightly off target at times, this was because the subconscious mind thought it was the best response.  At that particular time when your old response started, its resources were limited but now, your subconscious mind knows no bounds. Everything you need to survive and succeed is attainable. 

Suggested Practices

It’s time to speak into existence. 

  • Altar. Keep the Magician and the Lovers on your altar - and meditate on the images before going to bed each evening for a week.

  • Stay aware. Pay attention to symbols, dreams and people that come to you after your meditations. Even months later.

  • Keep a journal, record your dreams and emotional responses.