Posts tagged boundaries
Love and Self Love

Libra Season, Venus & 7th House
Sept 23rd - Oct 22nd
Libra Season is ruled by Venus and is a season where we focus on love magick, and harmony. This is a time to heal the relationships in our lives; especially the relationship we have with ourselves. What better way to tap into the energy of love and relationships, than by setting the intention to call love in.

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Abundance is an expression of love

Taurus Season, Venus & 2nd House
April 20th - May 19th
Abundance is an expression of love. Taurus Season is ruled by Venus. Venus rules prosperity/ She gives us the power to attract what we desire. What better way to tap into the energy of abundance, than by setting your subconscious mind to a wealthy mindset? You might be telling yourself, "my financial situation is such that I need a miracle." You are entitled to miracles!

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Setting Boundaries

Aries Season, Mars & 1st House
March 21st - April 19th
Setting Boundaries. One of the most effective ways to step into your authority is by setting healthy boundaries; with yourself and others. Your boundaries are not rigid. They are guidelines to help you live a fulfilling and happier life. Guidelines to help strengthen your sense of self-respect and self-worth, guidelines to help you become more assertive and confident and be who you want to be, not how anyone else wants you to be.

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