Setting and living your intentions allows you to focus on who you are in the moment, to recognize and live your values, and to raise your emotional and physical energy. Take the time to meditate, plan your strategies, and gather your resources so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you each month. Once you’ve have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live in rhythm with the Universal energies that await you. As above, so below.



  • Start with listening and reading the Season Overview, then the Seasons Foundation & Guidebook. If you do not know Astrology, or familiar with the term “Houses” or “12 Houses of the Zodiac”, read and watch Foundations 1 & 2. Please gift yourself time to relax, sit back with no interruptions, open Sacred Space and dive into the magic of these powerful Zodiac Themes - we reveal new offerings each month. Please remember to Sign Out and exit the Shala, similar to closing Sacred Space.

  • You do not need to be an astrologer, tarot reader or intuitive to take in the lessons. However, you will notice yourself becoming more self-aware and intuitive as you learn to recognize the patterns and lessons of each lunar month.

  • Absorb the knowledge now. The understanding will arrive in your own divine time and awakening. As you navigate through the Shala, remember that your subconscious mind is always absorbing. As you progress, you will gradually absorb the details. Be gentle with yourself, and return to each foundation for re-enforcement.

  • Some seasons will be more impactful than others. This all depends on the lessons or blessings you’ll receive. There will be seasons and days you resonate more with than others, (ex: I love Oct.). Take note of these moments; for there will be deeper lessons or blessings for you to receive at that time. I don’t feel anything? Even if you are not actively experiencing an impact, someone close to you: partner, boss, manager, friend, lover, child, etc. will - therefore, influencing you through gentle association.

Welcome to Scorpio Season

Scorpio Foundation & Theme: Pluto, Mars, Death, Ancestors, Transformation, The Shadow, Sexuality

Scorpio Mood Music 🎵M83 - Wait🎵

Set your dreams where nobody hides
Give your tears to the tide
No time
No time
There's no end, there is no goodbye

New Moon Tarot Correspondences


Oct. 27th - New Moon, 4° Scorpio [Guide Book],

Scorpio Season: Weekly Lunar Intentions

(Learn about weekly Intentions in Foundation 2)

The Foundation of Manifesting

Foundations 1 & 2 are the themes which the other 12 lunar themes orbit. Foundation 1 and 2, ground you in understanding the Law of Rhythm and the Lunar Phases. Foundation 3 teaches you the themes of each zodiac season.

Scorpio New Moon Times

Scorpio New Moon Guidebook

Taurus Full Moon

Spiritual Baths, Rituals & Cleansings

Tarot Affirmations