Setting and living your intentions allows you to focus on who you are in the moment, to recognize and live your values, and to raise your emotional and physical energy. Take the time to meditate, plan your strategies, and gather your resources so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you each month. Once you’ve have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live in rhythm with the Universal energies that await you. As above, so below.
Please gift yourself time to relax, sit back with no interruptions, open Sacred Space and dive into the magic of these powerful Zodiac Themes - We reveal new offerings each month. Please remember to Sign Out and exit the Shala, similar to closing Sacred Space.
You do not need to be an astrologer, tarot reader or intuitive to take in the lessons. However, you will notice yourself becoming more self-aware and intuitive as you learn to recognize the patterns and lessons of each lunar month.
As you navigate through the Shala, remember that your subconscious mind is always absorbing. Sometimes it’s easier for your spirit to re-awaken the ancient wisdom you already hold, than for your conscious mind to actively remember. Be gentle with yourself, come back to each foundation for re-enforcement. Some of you will learn better by passively absorbing over a longer period of time, than actively each week.
Some seasons will be more impactful than others, all depends on the lessons or blessings you’ll receive. There will be seasons and days you resonate more with than others, (ex: I love Oct.). Take note of these seasons or days; for there will be deeper lessons or blessings for you to receive at that time. Even if you are not actively experiencing an impact, someone close to you: partner, boss, manager, friend, lover, child, etc. will - therefore, impacting you through association.
Libra Season - Sept. 23rd - Oct. 23rd 2019
Libra Foundation & Theme: Venus, Balance, Boundaries & Relationships
Sept. 28th - New Moon, 5 degrees Libra [Guide Book]
Oct. 13th - Full Moon, 20 Degrees Aries [Chart]
Week of 9.23 We started this week welcoming the Autumn Equinox, and the Moon in Cancer. As a collective, during this cancer moon week, we will feel more. Our focus and intentions will turn inward guiding us to connect more deeply to our own emotional nature. Asking, “where can we create elements of home? and deeper still, be at home in our own skin?” We will feel this theme deeper, as we experience the Libra New Moon on the 28th.
Week of 10.07 We welcome this week with a waxing Aquarius Moon Monday. As a collective, during this aquarius moon week, we may feel more detached from our emotions; and yet, mentally stimulated. We can focus our weeks intentions towards cultivating and incorporating practices that gift us more freedom. As well as seek unique and creative problem-solving solutions to any challenges or struggles that arise at this time.
Week of 10.14 We welcome this week with a waning Aries Moon Monday. As a collective, we experienced the Aries Full Moon this past weekend; and this Monday further gifts us opportunities to release all that does not serve us; and create defined boundaries. Aries is potent energy, and tomorrow / Tuesday we are further supported with Aries energy (as Aries rules Tuesday). Which further give us and any projects the supportive energies we need for that one last motivational push for completion.
Week of 10.28 You can still set your Scorpio New Moon intentions. As a collective, we experienced the Scorpio New Moon Sunday, and this Monday as she is growing in energy (waxing) she further gifts us opportunities to set our intentions / goals for the week and month(s) ahead. This week the emotional tone will have us shifting our focus for depth, deeper meaning. We focus more on people and activities that fuel our emotional depths, passions and ignite our curiosity.
The Foundation of Manifesting
Foundation 1 & 2 are the themes which the other 12 lunar themes orbit. Foundation 1 & 2 ground you in understanding the Law of Rhythm and the Lunar Phases. Foundation 3 teaches you the themes and learnings of each zodiac season.
Libra Season: Venus, Balance, Boundaries & Relationships
Libra Season
Sept. 23rd - Oct. 23rd 2019
Libra Season and the Autumn Equinox! We’ve reached a balancing point between the day and night as we move from Summer into Fall, Light into Dark. As the days become shorter we conserve our energy and resources, and think about cultivating relationships for internal support and security. It’s also a time when we begin to go inward.
Libra symbolizes relationships and partnerships; which will be our collective focus this season. What we need and want from others needs to be balanced with what they want and need from us in return. If that balance cannot be struck, it will be time for major changes. This energy is not all bad, it will identify whom and where we are giving and receiving our energy; asking are we in balance? We get a look at the cosmic balance sheet to see if we are getting / giving what is deserved. This can be very positive when the social mask comes off, and we can witness the truths in our lives. This gifts us the chance to rearrange what isn’t working, and to get “unstuck” out of any circumstances holding us back from doing our very best for ourselves and others.
Libra is associated with the Major Arcana tarot card Justice. Suggested Affirmations for Libra Season are:
I am grateful for the relationships in my life and the learning opportunities they bring.
Learn more in Foundation 3
Living in Rhythm with Libra Season