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Where do I begin?

First, start with listening to the season overview, then watch the seasonsโ€™ foundation; both will give you context to work the guidebook. If you are unfamiliar with Astrology, Magick and Rituals, foundations 1 & 2 will give you the fundamentals. Continue reading for more tips ...

The Foundations of Manifesting

Foundation 1 and 2, ground you in fundamentals of Ritual, Planetary Energy, Law of Rhythm and the Lunar Phases. Foundation 3 contains each theme for each zodiac season / month.

Psychic Tools for each season

Each zodiac season is an opportunity to develop your intuitive and psychic skills.


Spiritual Baths & Rituals

Tarot Spreads & Affirmations

Planetary Magick, Manifesting & Rituals [3hr]


MONTHLY Workshops

Each zodiac season offers us lessons, blessings, and supportive spiritual tools needed on our journey.