Just like the seed, I don’t know where to go. Through dirt and shadow, I grow. I’m reaching light through the struggle. Just like the seed, I’m chasing the wonder. I unravel myself. All in slow motion.
— Aurora, The Seed

Virgo Season

August 30 Last Quarter Moon Gemini
September 6 New Moon Virgo
September 13 First Quarter Moon Sagittarius
September 20 Full Moon Pisces

Where do I begin?

First, start with listening to the season overview, then watch the seasons’ foundation; both will give you context to work the guidebook. If you are unfamiliar with Astrology, Magick, and Rituals, foundations 1 & 2 will give you the fundamentals. Continue reading for more tips ...

The Foundations of Manifesting

Foundation 1 and 2, ground you in fundamentals of ritual timing, planetary energy, law of rhythm and the lunar phases

Psychic Tools for each season

Each zodiac season is an opportunity to develop your intuitive and psychic skills.


Spiritual Baths & Cleansings

Energy doesn’t lie.

Tarot Spreads & Affirmations

Planetary Magick, Manifesting & Rituals [3hr]


Monthly Zodiac Workshops